2021年11月21日 - "特别待遇 Special Treatment" 刘文隆牧师



结Eze 48: 11-12

11 This will be for the consecrated priests, the Zadokites, who were faithful in serving me/ keep my charge/follow my instruction and did not go astray as the Levites did when the Israelites went astray. 12 It will be a special gift to them from the sacred portion of the land, a most holy portion, bordering the territory of the Levites.

1)跟上 Keep up

跟的态度!!! The right attitude to follow
  • X Performance VS Promises of GOD 表现 VS 应许
  • X Professional VS Presence of God 专业 VS 神同在
  • X Potential VS Passion of God 潜能 VS热忱
  • X Personalize VS Prompting of God 个人化 VS 启示

  • Align 对齐,
  • Alliance 联盟,
  • Adopt 采纳,
  • Attitude 态度

2) 不像 Not Alike
  • 走迷。。。走样?Astray。。。Out of shape
  • 不像“一般的人”unlike the usual
  • 被标签 “非一般”Outstanding!!!

- 利未人 =门徒

3) 献上 Sacrifice
  • 做了? 做对了? Done? Got it right?
  • 忠心服事/主权交托/跟随吩咐faithful in serving/ keep my charge/follow my instruction
  • 破碎/牺牲/舍己 > 祝福 Break > Blessing

特别待遇!!! Special Treatment


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