2021年10月3日 - ”我迷路了吗?Am I In The Right Path?" 刘文隆牧师



1 圣所 ! 在哪里?
Sanctuary!Where is it?

结 Eze 44: 10
Some of the Levites turned their backs on me and joined the other people of Israel in worshiping idols. So these Levites must be punished!

  • 祭司以色列人走迷离开
  • 圣殿被毁 – 巴比伦王国 
  • 祖宗在这山上敬拜神
  • 犹太人说敬拜的地方是在耶路撒冷(约4:20-21)

结 Eze 11:16 
But here is what I want you to tell the Israelites in Babylonia: It’s true that I, the Lord God, have forced you out of your own country and made you live among foreign nations. But for now, I will be with you wherever you are, so that you can worship me.

结 Eze 37:28
Every nation on earth will know that my temple is in Israel and that I have chosen the Israelites to be my people.”

圣殿被毁 – 巴比伦王国
- 圣所在以色列人中间直到永远



2 圣所 ! 我的职责 
Sanctuary! I Keep the Charge

结44: 15-16
15. “以色列人走迷离开我的时候,利未家的祭司撒督的子孙仍然尽看守我圣所的职责;因此他们必亲近我,事奉我,并且侍立在我面前,把脂肪与血献给我。这是主耶和华说的。
16. 只有他们可以进我的圣所,来到我的桌前事奉我,守我吩咐的职责。

Eze 44: 15-16
15. The priests of the Levi tribe who are descendants of Zadok the priest were faithful to me, even when the rest of the Israelites turned away. And so, these priests will continue to serve as my priests and to offer the fat and the blood of sacrifices.
16. They will come into my temple, where they will offer sacrifices at my altar and lead others in worship.

  •  我们的职责?需要拿起!
  •  执行祂所有的吩咐:留心,用眼看,用耳听。
  •  活出见证
  •  个人祷告,集体祷告,花时间祷告,是省时间,有效率,不祷告的人常常时间不够用。 

3 至圣所 ! 不廉价,是无价
The Most Holy Place! Not cheap & Invaluable 

19. 所以,弟兄们,既然我们靠着耶稣的血得以坦然进入至圣所,
20. 是藉着他给我们开了一条又新又活的路,从幔子经过,这幔子就是他的身体。
21. 既然我们有一位伟大祭司治理神的家,
22. 那么,我们该用诚心和充足的信心,同已蒙洁净、无亏的良心,和清水洗净了的身体来亲近神。
23. 我们要坚守所宣认的指望,毫不动摇,因为应许我们的那位是信实的。
24. 我们要彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善;
25. 不可停止聚会,好像那些停止惯了的人,倒要彼此劝勉,既然知道那日子临近,就更当如此。

Heb 10:19-25
19. My friends, the blood of Jesus gives us courage to enter the most holy place
20. by a new way that leads to life! And this way takes us through the curtain that is Christ himself.
21. We have a great high priest who is in charge of God’s house. 
22. So let’s come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let’s keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water.
23. We must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours. After all, we can trust the one who made the agreement with us.
24. We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. 
25. Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.



新的路!!! 有果效!!!新路就是活路!!!坚守所宣认的指望,毫不动摇


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