2020年12月6日 - ”WHAT...? 神迹!!! MIRACLES!!! " 刘文隆牧师


马太福音 14:25-33

25 夜里四更天,耶稣在海面上走,往门徒那里去。 
26 门徒看见他在海面上走,就惊慌了,说:“是个鬼怪!”便害怕,喊叫起来。 
27 耶稣连忙对他们说:“你们放心!是我,不要怕!” 
28 彼得说:“主,如果是你,请叫我从水面上走到你那里去。” 
29 耶稣说:“你来吧!”彼得就从船上下去,在水面上走,要到耶稣那里去。 
30 只因见风甚大,就害怕,将要沉下去,便喊着说:“主啊,救我!” 
31 耶稣赶紧伸手拉住他,说:“你这小信的人哪,为什么疑惑呢?” 
32 他们上了船,风就住了。 
33 在船上的人都拜他,说:“你真是神的儿子了!”


A) 不是我们的命定!!! Is not our Destiny

耶稣 –向着门徒说了四次!!!

太Matthew 14:31 耶稣立刻伸手拉住他,说:“你这小信的人哪,为什么疑惑呢?” Right away Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “Your faith is so small!” he said. “Why did you doubt me?”

太Matthew 6:30 你们这小信的人哪!野地里的草今天还在,明天就丢在炉里,神还给它这样的妆饰,何况你们呢?30 If that is how God dresses the wild grass, won’t he dress you even better? Your faith is so small! After all, the grass is here only today. Tomorrow it is thrown into the fire. 

太Matthew 8:26 耶稣说:“你们这些小信的人哪,为什么胆怯呢?”于是他起来,斥责风和海,风和海就大大平静了。 26 He replied, “Your faith is so small! Why are you so afraid?” Then Jesus got up and ordered the winds and the waves to stop. It became completely calm.

太Matthew 16:8 耶稣知道了,就说:“你们这小信的人,为什么因为没有饼就彼此议论呢?8 Jesus knew what they were saying. So he said, “Your faith is so small! Why are you talking to each other about having no bread? 

神迹这个过程预备我们进入命定 !!!进入祂的旨意 !!!

B) 相信祂是神 - 你来吧! Believe He is God – Come!

可Mark 16:20
Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere. The Lord worked with them. And he backed up his word by the signs that went with it.


21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do what my Father in heaven wants will enter. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord! Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we drive out demons in your name? Didn’t we do many miracles in your name?’ 23 Then I will tell them clearly, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who do evil!’
Matthew 7:21-23)

C) 往耶稣那里去 Toward Jesus
神迹发生 - 引导我们更靠近神?- 使我们跌倒远离神、忘记神?

D) 不是风平浪静 Is not peace & still
疑惑 = 心 1分为2 = 对上帝的专注分散掉专注事情迹象还是神?
FOCUS Sign ? Results? Or Focus on God?
– eg:瞎子得医治,最后被赶出会堂

信 !
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see 
( Hebrews 11:1)


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